Friday, December 16, 2011


Hi Ladies,

I hope everyone made it through the week without pulling their hair out! Fortunately I did! I couldn't be happier that it's Friday. This week was a huge success and it was definitely a busy one. Monday, we met Gerry, a new team member that started work with us! She was just wonderful and we had a great time getting to know her. Another major event was that my husband and I had the privilege to go to my 15 week checkup with my doctor. We were able to hear our baby bean's heart beat! What an amazing sound that is! Immediately after hearing it, It really hit me even harder that next year my life will never, ever, ever be the same. I am totally ok with that though I am ready for this new chapter of my life. Next month, we are hoping to have a sonogram that will show the anatomy of the baby. We will be happy with whatever the baby is, but I just have a feeling that it will be a boy. Maybe my motherly instinct is kicking in early... When you were pregnant, did you just know for some weird reason what your baby's sex was without really knowing for sure? My husband and I thought it would be fun to take an intelligender test, I know this is not at all something you should really take seriously but I was definitely amusing. Apparently the test also thinks I will be having a boy too!

So now on to my great weekend plans! Nothing too out of the ordinary, tonight we stayed in and watched TV. Tomorrow we are going to Austin for some good food and company. I having been craving a slice of pizza from Home Slice, so I finally will get my fix! So excited! Sunday I want to take it easy...

What are your big plans or not so big plans, both can be fun!
Just as a parting thought, remember this wise words:

Have a great weekend!

Monday, October 24, 2011

It's just another manic Monday...

Phew, so glad today is finally over and me and my couch can finally spend quality time together!  Today I am officially 7 weeks 1 day and I am definitely feeling the morning sickness. I've tried the cracker trick and it does not work so well for me :( This may be a little TMI but I do not actually vomit, I just have this nauseas  feeling that follows me throughout the day. Anyone have any good ideas on things that help with morning sickness? I would really appreciate the advice!
Ok so today was a juggle of time since I had quite a bit to do. Work was great! A lot of my work load was able to be finished. I had a 2 hr meeting and it went very well! Better than I expected. I work in the marketing industry... Anyone have good ideas on ways to keep the creative juices flowing? At times I feel a little burnt out and need new ideas. Traffic was a hassle but I finally arrived home and changed into workout clothes for my ZUMBA class. Anyone love Zumba as much as I do? It is the perfect blend of aerobics and dance. For all the dance lovers out there, you're gunna love this! You don't even have to be good but you just gotta be ready for a good time and don't take yourself so seriously!
I am so glad I found a great workout that I can do while pregnant, my doctor said this was a great way to stay healthy and just to watch my heart rate.  Let me know if you love zumba and if it really got them in great shape! I love these kind of stories so send me some!

My post is short today because I am sleepy and ready for some Criminal Minds! Have a great night everyone!


Sunday, October 23, 2011


Hello All!

I'm very excited to start my very own blog. This has been something that i've wanted to do for a very long time and I'm glad it's finally being done. So there are 3 reasons why I am starting this blog and they are as follows: 1) Big events in my life 2) Ability to empty out my brain 3) Let people know of some great ideas!

So FIRST-- what are these big events that I'm writing about? Well my husband and I are going to have our first baby, this baby does not have fur like our other two! We are over the moon about this! So many things are going through my mind but I'm trying to take things day by day :) I am going to be 7 weeks tomorrow!
Here is a picture of my husband and I so you can get to know us a little better:

Tony and I met almost 4 years ago and this December 2011 will be our 3rd anniversary. We are young, I am only 21 and he is 22 but when you know its right you just know. I whole heartedly believe that!
We met in college here in Texas and i'm so glad we had that same English class. Weird how things happen, right?
This was just a short introduction and I look forward to continue posting and blogging. I would love ideas to write about and let me know what you would like to read about! I'm open about the subjects I write about, I think this will be pretty random. Thanks for joining me on my life journey!